Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa...
Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter...
Let Them Eat Cake is a British sitcom starring Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders set in France, 1782, just seven years before the French Revolution....
Former delinquent Cornelius Fillmore saw the light, and now fights on the side of justice at X Middle School. Joining him is Ingrid Third, who has a...
America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night. It ran from April to July 1978. As in Fernwood, Barth Gimble was...
The origin story of Bruce Wayne's legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who forms a security company in 1960s London and...
Veteran political journalist Tucker Carlson hosts this nightly series that bears his name. Fox News describes the show as an "hour of spirited debate...