Qin Lie, a young man with amnesia, was involved in a conspiracy due to an accident. After experiencing all kinds of hardships, he and Ling Yushi, his...
The story of a young millionaire and a talented financier, who was nicknamed the 'God of Economics'. Yiamyuth - a proud and charming guy who believes...
It is said that marriage usually begins with love. But for Ingjan... her marriage began with... a grudge. When Ingjan's family attempts to trick her...
An adventure series set in 1946, two pivotal years before the State of Israel was founded. A seemingly innocent training farm secretly functions as a...
From the perspective of an explorer, the play tells the heroic story of Liang Chen, the chief of the reconnaissance section of a certain division of...
The story begins when the reserved Shizuka attends a local mixer party but has trouble adjusting to the atmosphere. A beautiful older female college...