During the Warring States era, the feuding generals were suddenly struck down one after another by the demonic Kishin. In the 150 years since, groups...
Hitori Bocchi, a girl with extreme social anxiety, has had only one friend throughout elementary school. When Bocchi learns they'll be split up after...
Follow the adventures of Dorg, a normal teen, living in the very normal town of Normill. That is, until he befriends several paranormal characters (a...
Kukuru Misakino, an 18-year-old high school girl working in an aquarium, meets Fuuka Miyazawa, a former idol who lost her place in Tokyo and escaped....
Tristan and Damar, two people who have been friends for a long time, turn out to be in love with the same woman. One day, an unexpected event changes...
Oh Yeah! Cartoons was an American animation showcase that appeared on the Nickelodeon cable channel. Oh Yeah! was an animation project guided by Fred...