The series tells the stories of some of the characters who work or are related to an imaginary shopping center Centovetrine, located in the center of...
The storyline of this series revolves around seven brothers who have been estranged for years, each having followed his own path. After the death of...
The events revolve around the conflict between Salim Al-Badri (Yahya Al-Fakharani) and Mayor Suleiman Ghanem (Salah Al-Saadani) and Nazik Al-Selahdar...
Hazal, beautiful young girl is engajed with Kenan, handsome young fisherman. The day before their wedding, Hazal is forced to marry Vural, successful...
Kotaro Mochizuki (Haruma Miura) is a timid, introspective teenager who attends a private high school. One day he discovers a mysterious old book and...