Cash Cab: After Dark is a spin-off of the Discovery Channel series that aired in 2007. The contestants were picked up near or after sunset as well as...
Let's Make a Deal is a television game show which originated in the United States and has since been produced in many countries throughout the world....
Truth or Consequences is an American television show originally hosted on NBC radio by Ralph Edwards and later on television by Edwards, Jack Bailey,...
Remote Control is a TV game show that ran on MTV for five seasons from 1987 until 1990. It was MTV's first original non-musical program. New episodes...
Joel Dommett hosts a high octane game show, where two families battle against each other in a thrilling game with a uniquely challenging twist. With...
Bobby Generic lives in a typical suburban neighborhood and uses his overactive imagination to discover a world of daring adventure, incredible wonder...
The life of the shinobi is beginning to change. Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, has enrolled in the Ninja Academy to learn the...
Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
There is a popular saying: "you can never be too careful." It is very important to prepare for every situation you may face, even if it seems like an...
Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and...