Sinasamba Kita or All for You is a Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network. The series is the first instalment of Sine Novela, a series of remake...
A loving heart trapped beneath an ugly facade, ignored and unappreciated by those who fail to see beyond what is skin-deep. She is a woman whose only...
Neo is a stripper who is running away from the loan shark Thana and his gang, after having an affair with Thana's wife Vanika. One day, the criminals...
To gain the confidence to confess to his crush, Yashiro visits a secluded shrine for 100 days straight. This earns him the attention of the enshrined...
Father Ray, a card-playing, cocktail-sipping, blues-loving priest, ministers to his parishioners at St. Thomas, a large urban church in an inner-city...
One South is an inpatient psychiatric unit at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Queens, NY, specializing in treating young adults. It may look more like a...
Director-actor Mikko Niskanen was probably his generation's greatest auteur, as well as its most troubled - in his career, success and failure almost...