Leave It to Larry is a 1952-1953 CBS sitcom starring Eddie Albert as Larry Tucker, a shoe salesman who lives with his own family in the residence of...
...And Mother Makes Five is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1974 to 1976. Starring Wendy Craig, it is the sequel of ...And Mother Makes Three...
Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa...
The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements...
The series tells the stories of some of the characters who work or are related to an imaginary shopping center Centovetrine, located in the center of...
The story begins with the ambiguous relationship between friends Viola and Luma, who seem predestined to literally enter each other's lives. Born on...
Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first "Real-Variety" show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a...