Chonpansa got pregnant with her son, Luk Prun, after a one night stand with an unknown man who she later suspected to be Chayut, the half-brother of...
Wang Xiao Xia lived a difficult life. Growing up in the orphanage with her brother taught her resilience. So when her irresponsible brother left her...
The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fellow colleague. Yukuhasahi appears to be the most...
An animated fantasy-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to a magical world where she...
Long ago in the mountains, a fighting master known as Son Gohan discovered a strange boy whom he named Son Goku. Gohan raised him and trained Goku in...
After getting stranded on Earth, Sonic and his friends team up with 12-year-old Chris Thorndyke to collect all the Chaos Emeralds and defeat the evil...